Nonverbal Cues

Yesterday I went to Wal-Mart and bought at $25 Timex watch with a black band. I love it.
I have a son-in-law who regularly buys and sells Rolex watches on ebay. One of my
students recently carried this pocketbook that caught my eye because of its giraffe
design. When I complimented her on it, she said it was a Dooney & Burke and that it cost
$240. Hmmm.  I always buy my bags from TJ Maxx and even then, I check for the little
red sticker that says “clearance.” I drive a Toyota Camry instead of an SUV. 

Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to think about your own “object language”
and speculate a bit about what your clothing, jewelry, hairstyle, hair color, shoes, use of
cosmetics (or not), etc. tells the world about you. It’s easy to look at other people
and “read” them, but what about you? What does your appearance tell the world?

7 responses to “Nonverbal Cues

  1. When you look at other people, don’t you “read” them according to their appearance including clothing, hairstyle, jewelry, neatness, and so forth? They’re making judgments about you too!

  2. What my appearance tells the world…. I never really thought about the way dress states something about me … But I want it to say that I’m hardworking… That I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get where I wanna be. At times I dress up so i can be pretty and girly girl.

  3. I honestly think that when people see me they think average. There is nothing about me that stands out except my hair! That is one thing that i like to stand out in and be diffrent. On a day to day basis i wear jeans and a T shirt. Dont get me wrong on special occasions i LOVE to dress up and it is very important for girls expecially to feel pretty and dress up, but if you are comfortable with who you are, honestly, you dont care what others think about you for the most part. Your heart is deeper than what you wear, drive, or what house you live in. The sad part about this concept is that in todays time, it is a material world. People judge you and there is nothing you can do about it but put a smile on your face and not worry about what anyone else says about you.

    There is nothing average about you! It just occurred to me that the reason you feel so comfortable in jeans and a T-shirt is because you're at ease and at peace with who you are.

  4. What I’m picking up, Britton, is that you’re comfortable with who you are, but at the same time, you realize the importance of image in making an impression. About the men wearing jeans while you’re more “gussied up,” I’ve heard many times that women have to try twice as hard to be perceived as half as good (as men). I’m not saying that I agree with that, by the way.

  5. Today my appearance tells the world that I did not do anything with my hair. I am wearing an old tshirt, jeans and flipflops. Again I do work in an appliance repair shop so no point in getting all “gussied” up. When I have speaking engagements though, I always look very professional minimal eye make up, pressed slacks, button down shirt and a blazer. And can I just say, that most of the time if it’s an afternoon appointment, the men always show up in jeans and polo shirts. Unfair that it is considered dressed up for them just because they tuck in a colared shirt!! I would think my day to day appearance would give off an approachable air. I drive a VW beetle, but it has some “flavor to it”, a dent or two. I am obsessed with big earrings. I just love them, it’s the one vice i refuse to give up!! LOL!! I grew up with boys and didn’t start wearing make up or fitting clothes til about 4 years ago. Never saw the need for any of it. Still don’t to be honest.

  6. George, Thanks for your comment. I’m hoping that more of your classmates will “jump on the bandwagon” and get involved with the blog. What’s interesting to me about object language is what it reveals so much about a person to others. Social class, self-esteem, occupation, interests, hobbies, self-concept, and mood are but a few of the messages that clothing, makeup, jewelry, attention to hygiene, etc. can reveal.

  7. On a day to day basis, I wear khaki slacks or shorts. My job allows me to be casual but dressed for the occasion. Some days I dress a little more formal but people see me as a prep. I can tell by the way they talk to me plus at my prior jobs I was always called prep. Nevertheless, my clothes cost less than those who are not as preppie. Farah, Faded Glory, and Dollar General make some very presentable slacks and shorts. I too drive a Toyota Camry. Yet even if I won the lottery, I would still buy Toyota; maybe more of them but Toyotas. Lexus, BMW, Mercedes are not my style. Put the money in the one thing that really counts, A HOUSE. What is more important, what you drive or whether you have the comforts of a nice home?

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