Quotation Reaction

Here’s a quote that I posted on the discussion board of an online course this morning. It fits perfectly into both intro and development courses because it makes you think about both your unique qualities and those that make you like the rest of the human family.  After reading the three lines, share an example of each.

Every person is like every other person.
Every person is like some other person.
Every person is like no other person.

17 responses to “Quotation Reaction

  1. Every person is like every other person~We are all humans, God created every one of us.
    Every person is like some other person~Some other person has the same blood running through their veins as do u. Some other person has the same interests as you do.
    Every person is like no other person~We are all different in our own way. We do things differently, Say things differently, Talk differently…

  2. Every person is like every other person. We all have feelings and thoughts
    Every person is like some other person. We all have heard the saying that we all have a twin somewhere out there, but i believe that this hits on a simplistic thought that if we hurt we cry, if we find humor we laugh but . . .
    Every person is like no other person for the abovious that each person has distinguishable characteristics that makes him/her well him/her!

    Isn't it great that we're all unique in some way? Not even identical twins are exactly alike.

  3. Every person is like every other person.
    I agree with this part of the quote, every one is made the same in structure pretty much, we all have the same parts. All females are made the same and work the same, same for males.
    Every person is like some other person.
    Some people have very similar personalities. For instance we might be the spittin image of our parents, we might have some of the same personality traits as our best friend, we might have a lot of things in common with our boyfriend or girlfriend.
    This last part was my favorite.
    Every person is like no other person.
    That is very true. There are things about each and everyone of us, that is like no other. It makes us who we are. Someone might be similar to us and might look like us but no one is JUST like us. Everyone is a unique individual.

  4. This quote is very true. We all have something in common with others around us. We share the same qualities as some other people. We also have some of the same likes as every other person. Then there are some people that share the same likes as some people out there. We may never meet them, but they are out there. Then there are people out that don’t have the same qualities and likes as we do. God created us all different, special, and unique. While there are people out there that have some of the same qualities as us and like some of the same things as us. They are still different. They may do that same thing a little different. Just like with people that play sports. Take basketball for instance, two people can make a shot from the same spot, but the way they shoot the ball may be different and that’s what makes us different and unique from everyone else.

  5. “Every person is like every other person.”
    People tend to do the same thing, live,
    breath, work, study. Normal Things

    “Every person is like some other person.”
    Everyone is trying to get to that GOAL

    “Every person is like no other person.”
    People tend to find different paths
    and go different ways to find there

  6. I believe all three of these quotes are true! “Every person is like every other person” is true because everyone breaths air, our hearts beat, and we all have feeling.
    “Every person is like some other person” this is because we all have similar interest some way are another. If we didn’t like similar thing we would be able to live our everyday lives with family and friends because we would never agree on anything to do together and life would be horrible. “Every person is like no other person.” this is because people all live their lives differently and respond differently to life’s situations.

    Nice to read a comment from you on the blog.

  7. We are alike in some cases we might have the same beliefs, and disbelief’s. We might have the same opinion. I think their is people that can have the same traits as a person. Everyone has problems in their lives it possible that they can have the same as my problems. My mother told me their is never a dull moment in life so live to the fullest of your ability because you never know when it’s going to be your last.

    Your mom gave you some good advice.


    Can you think of an example to show how we are like every other person?

  9. The quote about “Every person” reminds me about the lose of a loved one. Many people lose family members through different situations.

    And many people will try to console a person by saying “I know how you feel or I’ve been through the same thing”. But in actuality you don’t know what that person is feeling because even though its the same type of lose. Its not the same for every individual because “Every person is like no other person”

    You're probably right about this. This is one of those time (death) when people just don't know what they should say to someone who has lost a loved one.

  10. every person is like another person by being human. everyones insides are basicly the exact same. every person is like some other person by maybe sharing a hobby with someone, or having the same interests in food. every person is like no other person in my opinion means that one person has one thing about themselves that no one could ever touch or experience themselves, with life experiences for example.

    Your first sentence makes me think of something Dr. Scott Peck said about how we're all so different on the outside, and yet when a surgeon pricks the skin, the blood is the same. If he (or she) cuts more deeply, then the organs are all the same and are in the same place.

  11. Every person is like every other person if you think of it in terms of basics. Most all of us have the same basic characeteristics that make us human.
    Every person is like some other person because many people share common interests. Humans all have qualities and traits that line up with the way others feel.
    Every person is like no other person because everybody has their own life story. No two peoples lives are exactly the same. Their experiences mold them into different ways of thinking and feeling.

    True. I wish more people realized that they could be the authors of their life stories.

  12. I believe that each person is like every other person because we all have desires. From an early age a child has a desire to be near its Mother, a young child has a desire for answers, hence the constant questioning of “Why?” and “What’s That?.” Just as we grow up , as we progress in life, so do our desires. Our desires become materialistic, spiritual, emotional and dare I say, physical. Each person is also like some other person because the differences that set them apart from others in one instance can bring them closer to others in another. Growing up one might find that they begin to stray from a group of friends in favor of another because they are trying to find those that are like them, others that share a common interest or goal. At the same time each person is like no other person because no two people will share the same experiences, thoughts, and desires. Two people can be present during the birth of a child, one feels jubilation and sees the birth as a beautiful gift while the other sees nothing but the pain and agony the mother suffers during delivery, yet both witnessed the same thing and both have perceived it very differently. All together I feel this small quote with such small words and seemingly small meaning personafies the relationship between the human family.

    I love your use of specific examples.

  13. I love this quote. We are all like every other person. We hurt, cry, and laugh. We are all like some other person; we have some of the same styles, food interest, favorite colors, favorite music, the list could go on and on! We are all like no one else because we all reap consquenced for the decisions we sow, be it good or bad. Being like no one else is such a blessing because it keeps this imperfect world so extremely interesting.

    Your first couple of sentences reminds me of something Leo Buscaglia wrote many years ago. I can't remember the exact wording, but it was about how harmful and distancing labels can be. When we "label" someone as a teenager, a divorced person, a Southerner, a senior citizen, a Mexican, you're automtically distancing yourself from them somewhat. Buscaglia reminded his readers that everyone feels love, pain, heartache, frustration, joy,hope,fear, and so forth.

  14. I feel like this statment is very true because when I met my fiance the thing that attracted me to him was that we had the same likes and dislikes but at the same time we were both individuals that had our own thoughts and ideas. The world would be a very boring place if everybody was exactly like everybody else around them.

    Amen! Thank goodness for individuality.

  15. I read the quote every person is like every other person. Our creator made us alike in many ways.
    Every person is like some other person. We have some similarities of someone else. Every person is like no other person. We are different in many ways that’s what make the world so beautiful.

    Nice way to look at these lines.

  16. Every person is like every other person- we are all human being breathing the same air.
    Every person is like some other person-somebody has the your blood type.
    Every person is like no other person- we all have different personalities

    short and sweet...nice examples

  17. These statements are so true!!!There are true to me because there are some characteristics, lifestyles, and experiences that you have or experienced is like or different from another person. For example, there are alot of things/experiences that me and my sisters share that are similar but each of us has our own unique characteristics/things that set us apart from one another.To me, that not only applies to family but strangers also .

    Keya, I think you're getting into the "blog thing," and I always look forward to your comments.

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